At that place are 9 different kinds of bombs institute inThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, all of which have different applications and advantages. Some are meant to deal directly impairment in a variety of situations while others are intended for more specific usages. Each main type tin be upgraded twice with diagrams that Geralt tin can find throughout the course of his adventures to extend the length of their effects as well as increase their potency.

Being able to take two equipped at the same fourth dimension too allows players to combine the effects of some for fifty-fifty more devastating offenses. When paired with a witcher's magical signs and swordplay, bombs offering many different tactics that the White Wolf can unleash upon adversaries for untold combinations to corrode, cremate, or otherwise conquer monsters and humanoid foes alike.

ten Training Bomb

player learning how to use bombs in the tutorial.

Equally the very first bomb that the player encounters, the Training Bomb is solely meant to teach new witchers how to aim and evangelize their explosive tools. Information technology releases a pocket-size puff of greyness smoke when impacting the footing or the training post, though does not do any damage, thankfully. If it did, players could potentially impairment their fellow witchers or destroy valuable belongings in Geralt'due south domicile: the location of the School of the Wolf, Kaer Morhen.

9 Samum

As one of the bombs that can be used to destroy monster nests, Samum and its upgraded forms can always be useful, though it pales in comparison to most others when fighting actual monsters as in that location aren't really whatever that are particularly weak to its effects. Withal, it is ideal to utilize against human and nonhuman enemies due to them being very susceptible to tactics that target the senses. Samum is meant to stun many foes at once, granting Geralt the ability to crowd-command a large group. This allows the player to focus on taking down a few targets while the others are dazed. In this mode, it acts a bit like an area-of-outcome Aard sign.

In addition to having an extended elapsing of effects, similar all flop upgrades, Enhanced Samum now lets this bomb deal impairment as well. This middle upgrade deals 600 hundred physical and 600 argent harm to those caught in the smash, though be wary, as Geralt tin can be affected by this bomb's effects besides. He won't exist stunned or immobilized, however, he'll merely be unable to lock onto foes properly. The Superior version of this explosive now guarantees a disquisitional strike upon adversaries nether its furnishings for a bang-up manner to decimate enemy health bars.

eight Moon Grit

cloud of silver around geralt and a lesser vampire.

Moon Dust does non do direct harm, and as such is sometimes ignored past players, though it can nonetheless be immensely useful in battle. Those hunting particularly wily foes that tin can shapeshift or teleport should consider calculation this to their quick-utilise bomb slots. As one would expect from its name, this explosive erupts to comprehend the area in a cloud of fine dust made from silver.

All versions of Moon Grit perform by and large the same in terms of effects with the Enhanced upgrade only extending the duration. The Superior version, however, permanently stops a  monster from transforming. One blazon of enemy that can be defeated much easier with this cloud of silvery is the Katakan, which tin sometimes turn invisible, making it very catchy to land hits on. Moon Dust will prevent this vampiric fiend from doing so, letting Geralt cut it to ribbons. In addition, players can prevent Leshens from dissipating into their smoke class by utilizing the same method.

vii Northern Wind

geralt using an ice bomb.

Here's another bomb that cannot do direct impairment, though it opens enemies upward to beingness significantly more than hurt by Geralt'southward sword attacks. Northern Wind freezes targets in their tracks, letting the thespian dish out hits guaranteed to do bonus damage on them. At the Superior upgrade, 1 can even shatter frozen foes for instant kills that tin can greatly alleviate issues if i is being surrounded past many foes.

Nekkers are a type of monster that performs such assaults, intending to overwhelm their prey with sheer numbers. They can be annoying to deal with as they are much quicker than other Ogroid-type foes, though tossing down a Northern Wind can immobilize many of them long enough for Geralt to make short piece of work of their whole posse.

vi Grapeshot

geralt using a grenade-like bomb.

Most players would claim that Grapeshot, and its upgraded forms, are their favorite bomb as it is the nigh uncomplicated and straightforward to employ. It acts just like a grenade; players throw it and sentry whatever information technology hits get engulfed in a radiant explosion. Information technology is the virtually versatile of all the bombs constitute in the game and does reliable damage against pretty much every physical threat, although can exist surpassed in effectiveness against certain monsters by more specific boxing strategies that pertain to niche weaknesses.

The base of operations form deals 350 physical and silver impairment (forth with v fire), the Enhanced version does 600 physical and silver damage (with x fire), and the Superior Grapehshot bomb unleashes a devastating 900 points of damage of the physical and argent diverseness in addition to ignoring the armor of adversaries. The latter is a prime choice against tough-scaled or metal-clad foes. As a type of flop that can clear out a monster nest, it can be handy for exterminations, though information technology is recommended to hang onto these precious explosives and utilise a Samum bomb on said nests instead.

5 Dancing Star

geralt using a fire bomb.

Another player favorite is the Dancing Star bomb for information technology is besides very much like a regular grenade, though it deals pure burn damage to targets. Equally such, information technology is immensely useful in a great diverseness of situations every bit fire damage is one of the most powerful damage types in the entire game. Not only are humans and nonhumans severely afflicted by flames only about monsters are every bit well. The only foes that tin can shrug off such scorching strategies are those made from burning cloth, like Fire Elementals.

At the lowest tier, basic Dancing Star bombs deal 100 burn impairment, the Enhanced version does 200 with the flames persisting for longer, and the Superior upgrade does the aforementioned at even greater potency while upping the damage to 300 as well as setting the nearby mural aflame. As a good rule of pollex to go along in mind, monsters weak to the Igni magical sign are equally susceptible to this flop'southward damage and furnishings. It can fifty-fifty immolate monster nests also.

4 Dimeritium Bomb

geralt using the magic blocking bomb at night.

This blast of green energy is a witcher'due south best friend against enemies that use a lot of magical attacks. Dimeritium bombs release a cloud of gas that does no damage but can block a monster's not-concrete attacks for 15 seconds at its base grade while doing and so for 30 seconds in its Enhanced and Superior versions. The latter too causes the furnishings to linger even subsequently the cloud dissipates.

One type of enemy that this is very helpful confronting are elementals. These large brutes of magical energy have two master kinds of attacks: wearisome, concrete attacks and wide, magic ones. The former are incredibly like shooting fish in a barrel to avoid, especially if ane has a Quen shield activated so that just leaves the magical ones to deal with. Notwithstanding, with a Dimeritium bomb, these magical attacks cannot be used, rendering elemental foes almost helpless against a witcher.

3 Dragon's Dream

bomb that can be ignited used by geralt as he turns away.

Unlike Dancing Star, the other flop that deals pure fire damage, Dragon's Dream does not immediately produce intense flames. Instead, it produces extremely combustible gas when it makes contact with a target or office of the environment after it is thrown. It will ever need a source of burn to be ignited, though those are easy enough to find. Players tin apply the Igni magical sign as the simplest way to set up off the energetic reaction, though pairing a Dragon's Dream with Dancing Star is a great manner to combine the effects and damage of both for i of the about deadly combinations in the game.

The everyman form of Dragon's Dream lets its gas cloud last for 15 seconds for a chance to deal 300 fire harm. Side by side, the Enhanced version lingers for 30 seconds with a chance to unleash 400 burn down damage. Finally, the Superior version has a cloud of fumes and an explosion that accept the aforementioned stats equally the Enhanced form only also has a take chances to set targets on fire while additionally causing enemies that dice past its flames to themselves explode, triggering a concatenation reaction that farther hurts nearby foes.

2 Devil's Puffball

geralt using a bomb with poison gas on a monster indoors.

Out of all the bombs, Devil'due south Puffball is the simply 1 that does poison damage. It has little upshot on incorporeal foes, though can be very helpful at dealing damage to enemies with a lot of health as it does harm over time instead of producing an immediate effect. At the base grade, the toxic clouds last for only 10 seconds, making it one of the bombs with the shortest duration of effects. Thankfully, its Enhanced version lasts much longer at 30 seconds with the Superior version getting only a slight bump to 33 seconds. Due to this odd and even increase in duration, information technology may not be worth upgrading Devil's puffball past the Enhanced version.

Every rank of this flop deals the same amount of damage per second as well, farther strengthening the reasoning behind non wasting resources to get information technology to the Superior level. With 100 damage per second, information technology can bleed a foe's health efficiently plenty to requite Geralt an easier fourth dimension taking them downward. These noxious fumes are especially useful confronting Relict monsters like Chorts and Fiends besides as Vampires like Ekimmaras and Katakans. It should also exist mentioned that it is incredibly helpful when fighting Werewolves, as it counters their rapid wellness regeneration, essentially canceling it out for a period of fourth dimension.

1 Pheromone Bomb (& Other Unused Ones)

player opening the console command to spawn enemies and enable hidden bombs.

In addition to all of the real bombs that one tin can use in the game, there are a few unused ones that have been coded intoThe Witcher 3's files, though were never implemented for ane reason or another. The one most known about is the Pheromone Bomb that players tin add into their inventory with console commands on PC versions of the game, though information technology doesn't do anything. Others that accept been institute past dedicated data divers are the Alkaline, Funghi, Glue, Salt, Shrapnel, and Virus bombs.

Side by side: The Witcher: 10 Underrated Items (That Are Actually Very Useful)